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Paper Talk


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The Paper Talk
with Lauren Pearlman Sugita
Thursday, August 22
3-6 PM EST

Always wondering which paper is best for your printmaking project? Overwhelmed by all the paper choices out there? Join us for PAPER TALK with Lauren Pearlman Sugita of Paper Connection International & the Art Annex. A perfect event to nerd out about papers and answer all your burning paper questions.

The Paper Talk is going to be a presentation followed by a Q & A. Lauren will bring examples of lots of different types of paper and explain why different papers are ideal for different processes. Lauren will also be bringing paper that will be for sale after the presentation. Her specialty is in Asian papers. She will talk about papers that are good for different printmaking processes, cyanotype, paper conservation, and more!

This presentation will be recorded. Those who register will be sent a copy of the recording. If you can't make it but would like to send in questions to be answered you can email us at [email protected]