Suminagashi & Flag Books


  • Image of Suminagashi & Flag Books
  • Image of Suminagashi & Flag Books
  • Image of Suminagashi & Flag Books
  • Image of Suminagashi & Flag Books

Suminagashi & Flag Books
With Tony Lemos
2 days, Friday & Saturday
March 14th & 15th, 10 - 4pm
12 participants maximum
Cost: $290 + $30 materials fee

Join us for a fun two day workshop. Come and learn the ancient form of paper marbling originating from 12th century Japan. Suminagashi 墨 流 し or “floating ink” is the process of marbling plain paper with water and ink to transform it into something magical mystical and unexpected. The word suminagashi literally means spilled ink. The process of Suminagashi is meditative where you enter a collaboration with the elements, water, wind, and earth (paper) and the ink, it is a great practice in quiet and mindfulness.

Developed by Hedi Kyle, a Flag Book is a type of sculptural artist book. It is a great form to display some of your artwork and art papers. Based on a simple accordion book structure you will learn step-by-step how to create this innovative and stunning book. It is a versatile structure that allows you to attach drawings, photographs, text, fabric, or other materials to the flags in an open creative narrative. When the spine is pulled fully open, these fragmented flags assemble into a panoramic spread. This transformation is accompanied by a delightful flapping sound.

Gather up your paper scraps, photos, or cut up an old print to create something new. Each student will leave with their own flag book. All essential materials and tools are provided. Students will be asked to bring in photos and art papers to create their unique flags.

Learn more about Tony here:

Free parking provided.