Silkscreen for Beginners


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Silkscreen for Beginners
Instructor: Megan Cascella
2 days: Saturday & Sunday
February 22nd & 23rd, 10 AM - 4 PM
$250 for the two-day session
6 participants maximum

If you’ve ever wanted to learn how to make silkscreen prints (or brush up on your silkscreen skills) - this is the class for you! Silkscreen printing is for everyone - no previous art, drawing, or printmaking skills required!

We will cover how to prepare and expose silkscreens, mix colors, paper selection, simple registration for multiple color layers and how to print. Juxtaposing multiple screens, images can be created that are dramatic and unexpected. We will be paying particular attention to mixing transparent colors and layering them. All materials (except paper) are included. No experience required.

Free parking is provided.